Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tamil culture

                     "யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ் மொழிபோல்
                          இனிதாவ  தெங்கும் காணோம் "

"Tamil" means "sweetness" and "culture" has been defined as "sweetness and light." "Tamil" and "Culture" therefore, make a most graceful combination both in Language and Life.


Culture has been defined as a " way of life" as sweetness and ligt" as activity of thought and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. These brief definitions as sufficient to show the comprehensiveness and the indispensability of culture, for one must have a way of life, and that way of life should be combined with sweetness and light, with activity of thought, and with beauty and humane feeling.

Tamil culture is nothing else but the Tamil way of Life, a pattern of gracious living that has been formed during the centuries of Tamil history. Itt has been conditioned by the land, the climate, the languages, the literature, the religions, the customs, the laws, the food, the games and toys of the tamil people, by the palmyra palm, the gingelly oil, and the vegetables associated with them. culture is a most elusive and at the same time an all-embracing term.

The Tamil Language:

The tamil language has been spoken in this Island, it would seem, at least for the last three thousand years, The punchmarked coins of an early era point to connections that ceylon may have had with Mohenjodaro and the Indus Valley civilisation. Tgamil poetry composed in ceylon has been included in the earliest. Tamil Anthologies, and the Tamil spoken in ceylon represents a pre-pallava period with its ancient morphological and grammatical forms an its repertoire of words considered obsolete for centruries on the neighbouring continent.

 A language is always a mirror of a people's genius" The tamil language has been spoken basically in its present form for the last two thousand years, and it continues even now th be the living language for thirty to forty million people about thirty million people in India, more the two million people in ceylon, nearly one million people in Malaya, Vietnam and Indonesia, Africa and even Trinidad and the Martinique Islands. Tamil is as much a classical language as Greek, Latin or Sanskrit, with this difference that while her ancient contemporaries have changed beyond recognition or been long regarded as "dead" Tamil continues to be one of the most vigorous of modern languages, and perhaps offers the only example in history of an ancient classical tongue which has survived to this day and yet remains young as it was two thousand years ago.

Tamil literature:

Tamil literature has made certain definite contributions to world thought and letters. Its love poetry and its inclusion of love poetry in its theory of poetics are indications of the humanistic approach to life that is characteristic of Tamil Culture. The love poetry of the Tamils is the product of a people among whom the finest ideals of courtship and wedlock had long been cherished. The ethical poetry of the Tamils has been the wonder of all foreigners who have studied it. The maxims of Thiruvalluvar of the Tirukkural is a book of which Dr.Albert schweitzer has said.

                  " There hardly exists in the literature of the wold a book
                             which contains such lofty maxims"

and Dr.Pope Observed:

                  " I have felt sometimes as if there must be a blessing in store for 
 a people that delight so utterly in compositions thus remarkably expressive of a hunger and thirst after rightcousness"

If English be the language of commerce, French the language of diplomacy, Italian the language of love, and german the language of philosophy, the Tamil is the language of devotion, The devotional poetry in Tamil is so great in bulk, and in depth and intensity of emotional fervour, that its continued study has given the language a certain aptitude for the expression of themes pertaining to mysticism and contemplation. The nature poetry of the Tamils is again the result of a people who lived intimately with Nature. No people, except perhaps the people of the pacific islands, have made so much use of flowers and plants in daily life for various purpose as the Tamils have done. The Tamils said it with flowers not only in love but also in warfare. The ancient Tamil warriors went to battle, their brows decked with garlands, and each strategic movement had its own symbolic flower.



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